Some of you may have already heard the news and yes it is true...Brett and I are now the "Not so Proud Owners" of a minivan! All we need now is a "soccer ball" and "proud parent of..." stickers to add to the back and then we will be set. Oh and I guess it would be nice to complete the need for the minivan by having our baby boy join us in this world! We are incredibly excited for our little guy to enter our family but as for the minivan...well let's just say that we are teasing ourselves about it, so please feel free to tease away! :)

His look says it all!
We had another doctors apt. today and things are progressing along. As for having him on his due date we will have to wait and see...only three days left! Please pray that he would come on time...or before is fine too!
Brett and I have been busy working away at projects we are wanting to finish before the baby comes, along with beginning to pack up all of our stuff for the big move back to South Dakota in a month. Praise God we have a house to move into when we move back and it's only a couple of miles from Brett's parents and our good friends the Permans!
Here are a few pictures from the last few days...Enjoy!

about ready to pop! 39 1/2 weeks

I've been making birp rags!

Instead of buying a nursing cover I decided to try and make one myself
here is my finished product. It's even reversible!