Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poopy Diapers

We've been teased already about becoming parents who talk about their babies poops and so I thought why not blog about it right? Actually my mom just sent us a video link about fathers and their babies pooping and it was just too hilarious to not post on here. Enjoy...

p.s. Josiah is doing wonderful and for the past 3 nights has only woken up for his feedings twice in the night which has been such a blessing. He is such a good looking boy and a wonderful baby whom we continue to fall more and more in love with in each passing moment. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being parents! Oh yeah, and he poops all of the time!


Adventures with Claire, Jason, and Jonas!! said...

Congratulations Tanna! He is adorable and handsome, and I love the name!!- Welcome to the wonderful world of poppy schmooopy!! Boys especially seem to leak through diapers, but then they just get to take more baths:)

TheHaroldsons said...

Oh my goodness! That video was hilarious! Treyven hasn't had any poopy diapers thats made us gag, but I've come close a few times changing OTHER people's kids during nursery at church! You kind of get use to your own kid's poops! And will continue to talk about poop for many more weeks/months/years to come! Its okay...join the club:)