Saturday, March 21, 2009

Home from the Hospital!

Our new family is now home from the hospital as of about 4 o'clock yesterday! Josiah continues to fill our hearts more and more with love. It's so amazing how much you can love someone at first sight. God has truly blessed us with a beautiful son!

We got to experience our first night as a family at home and it proved to be a memorable one. Josiah finally decided to go to sleep around 5:30am. We are breastfeeding him and are still waiting for my milk to come in so our poor little guy hasn't been able to get enough to eat from me. Around 5am we decided to give him so formula to help supplement and it worked like a charm. We are praying that tonight would go a lot smoother and that soon enough I would be able to be enough food for Josiah.

Josiah slept great today during the day, but after a night like last night that was to be expected. We made our first venture outside today to go to our friends Tim and Nicole Lee's wedding. We have been looking forward to this wedding for sometime now and went back and forth on if we should go...we decided to go and it went really well. Josiah hung out in his carseat for the entire ceremony and slept. We decided not to go to the reception and just headed home and started feedings :)

Here are a few more pictures for everyone to enjoy...

scrunchy face

daddy and son

our first family photo

all stretched out

slight grin

so precious

ready to head home from the hospital!

male bonding time!


jenny said...

He is just precious! I'm so proud of you guys... it's amazing. I love the pictures... oh I'm so happy for you!

Heidi said...

He looks like such a little man already in his home from the hospital outfit! :) I can't wait to meet him... do I have to wait?! Our girls need to get aquainted with their little cousin who I'm sure they'll have roped into playing house when we visit the farm. :)

Shannon said...

Oh Tanna, those pictures bring tears to my eyes! What a handsome boy and wonderful blessing! I'm hoping your milk comes in very speedily so you won't have to feel like a 24 hour snack bar anymore. :)