Josiah turned 9 months old yesterday! I know I say this every time but really where has the time gone? It still feels like he was just born...or maybe that's because I am still trying to lose this so called "baby" weight. Anyway, he continues to grow and grow before my very eyes and we continue to fall more and more in love with him each day.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
grain carts and jumpy legs

know what a grain cart is (it's the tractor/cart left of the combine)
As of a few days ago my job as a farm wife was to make and bring lunches out to the guys during harvest when they needed them. My job changed on sat. and once again yesterday (Monday). Brett and Tim (my father-in-law) have been out still trying to get in our really late corn harvest which has been slow because of weather and now also because it is just the two of them. When Brett and I talked about moving out to South Dakota some day I was always really excited and thought I would be able to help out on the farm with him but then we moved back and I had a little baby boy to take care of instead.
On Friday night Brett asks me as we are getting into bed if I want to drive grain cart the next day. I said sure, thinking he was joking because what would we do with Josiah for however many hours we are out there. Sat. morning we get up and he tells me he will call me when I should come out and that his mom was going to watch Josiah. I then realize he was serious the night before. From what everyone has told me is that driving the grain cart is the easiest job and so I'm thinking ok I can do this. I drop Josiah off at Grandma's and head out to the field, jump in the tractor with Brett while Tim is in the combine. Brett talks me through it and shows me how for two runs and then I got in the drivers seat, had one go at it and then I was left alone in the tractor. Side note: there are way more buttons and things to push then I thought which makes me think that if this is the easiest job...this is all I will ever do.
Well, Brett moved into the combine and Tim moved to the semi's. Was I nervous? I think that is an understatement. I can't even think of a word to use that describes what I was feeling. Brett is talking me through it all (we had two-way radios that sometimes worked) and Tim was hauling the corn in the semi's to the bins in town. And this is where it gets interesting...
Because I was slow to fill the semi Tim had to wait while I was finishing filling it. I don't know what it was but having someone standing there watching me put me over the top. I was nervous enough to begin with but at that moment I suddenly thought I was going to throw up. I know, I know...why would I feel like throwing up? I felt like I was not at all comfortable with the many controls I needed to use and just knowing that the equipment I was working with and near is very very expensive to say the least and the corn I am loading and dumping is worth a pretty penny as well made for a lot of nerves. I think in general I don't do well with someone watching me, I just get nervous, but with the added pressure of not breaking or spilling anything it felt like more than I could handle. So as I'm feeling like I'm about to throw-up my knee starts shaking. I'm not just meaning a little shake...I'm talking about a 5 inch shake. I couldn't get it to calm down and because it was shaking so bad I couldn't get it to hold the clutch. At this point I don't know what to I throw-up all over the tractor or get out and run until I'm as far away from anything I can break? Neither option seemed like a good one so I got out of the tractor walked over to Tim (who was up on top of the semi) and in a shaky voice said, "Tim, I don't think I can do this. I'm so nervous my leg is shaking and I can't hold the clutch in." I'm not sure how much of what I said he heard but like a good father-in-law he looked an me, smiled and said, "you are doing fine, keep going". My thoughts ran back to my options before of throwing up or running far far away...but instead I looked up at him, smiled back and said, "ok". As I walked back to the grain cart, recomposed myself, got in and began to do the job that needed to be done. I'm happy to say that I didn't throw-up, I didn't run, and slowly my knee began to shake less. They even asked me back on Monday and I'm excited to say I have neither broken or spilled anything...yet!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
What I love about Sundays!
Sunday is my favorite day of the week! When I get into bed on Sunday night I feel a bit sad that the day is over but I look forward to what comes 7 days later.
A short list of what I love about Sundays:
- My husband is home all day
- Brett and I get to wake up together and get ready for the day together
- Church and the fellowship we get there
- Watching the Vikings!
- No work for Brett, no cleaning for me
- Spending time as a family
- Couples bible study (every 1st and 3rd Sunday)
- Potluck (1st Sunday of every month at church)
Just to name a few...the list could go on and on.
Here are a few pictures because I know that's what people really want to see...

A short list of what I love about Sundays:
- My husband is home all day
- Brett and I get to wake up together and get ready for the day together
- Church and the fellowship we get there
- Watching the Vikings!
- No work for Brett, no cleaning for me
- Spending time as a family
- Couples bible study (every 1st and 3rd Sunday)
- Potluck (1st Sunday of every month at church)
Just to name a few...the list could go on and on.
Here are a few pictures because I know that's what people really want to see...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Am I the only one?
Yesterday Josiah had his 9 month wellness check up (2 weeks early) and I was pretty excited because there were no shots that he needed to get so we could just get in and get out and everything would be fine. At least that's what I thought until our doctor told me she is concerned about his weight. He weighed in at 19lbs and according to his weight to height ratio he is now down the the 20th percentile for his weight (His cheeks make him look like he is a big boy but he really is pretty skinny). She is concerned because he continues to drop on the charts and this one in particular was a pretty big drop (30% drop). Since his last apt. at 6 months he has only gained one pound. I really haven't been concerned at all because he eats pretty good (although he did decide that he was not going to take a bottle all...and I'm thinking of being done nursing soon) but I just didn't think this was something I needed to think about let alone be concerned about. I know I am probably just being overly worried about nothing at all and I'm trying not to be but I just can't get myself to stop. The weight issue is just the topping to my battle with worrying about him. I have a lot of friends with babies and the conversation that we usually have is referring to what milestone our baby is at. Milestones are great and I love talking about them but I usually leave the conversation feeling like Josiah is behind in some way. Right now I'm worrying about him not crawling yet. He is 8 1/2 months old and I feel like he should be because every other baby is. Am I crazy to be thinking like this? Am I the only one that worries about this stuff? I know I need to give it all to the Lord and I'm working on doing that but I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say it's been a huge struggle. Thanks for letting me share my heart.
Monday, December 7, 2009
It's now 8am and Josiah is still sleeping! This use to be a regular occurrence in our house until his top teeth started coming in over a month ago. We became very use to him sleeping through the night since he was 2 1/2 months old so when waking up at least once a night but usually 3 or 4 times a night started happening we were beside ourselves. It's so hard when you get use to something and then it changes. So I went in to check on him a few min. ago (not really sure why, just did) and I peaked my head in and was so confused because it looked like he was sleeping on his stomach. Most of you are probably thinking, "why is the confusing?" Since day one Josiah has hated being on his belly. We have always still given him belly time but he will just scream whenever he is on his belly. So when he started rolling over I thought he would get over that....hmmm...nope. It only became worse because he would get so upset that he was on his stomach that he would refuse to roll back over even though he knows how. Ahhh...very frustrating. This is also why I believe it will be awhile before he crawls because he just hates being on his belly. He can stand on his hands and knees and when he does that he is just fine but as soon as he falls over to the floor it becomes very loud in our house. Josiah loves books, so lately I just lay on the floor with him and read a book while he is on his belly and that is seems to help. Anyway, all this to say when I peaked in on him and he was on his belly this morning sleeping, after the shock wore off I stood there and smiled so proud of my little boy sleeping on his belly.
We are also done with his infant car seat as of a few weeks ago which has been a hard transition for me but not for Josiah. His car seat was more than just a car seat for was also his bed when we were out later than his bed time. Last night at bible study was the first night we have been somewhere past his bed time since switching car seats so we contemplated on what we should do. We tried to get a babysitter but that didn't work out so we decided to bring our pack and play and set it up at the church. I was a bit worried as to how moving him in and out of the car and up to his bed would all go...thankfully he did really well. He was out cold the min. I put him in his pack-n-play at the church and then did not wake up at all through all the transportation! I'm not getting my hopes up that he will continue this through every transition from pack-n-play to car to crib but am very thankful that it went so smoothly last night.
Well this is beginning to get long so I will end here, just thought I would share with you my thoughts and a few happenings in the Huber household.
We are also done with his infant car seat as of a few weeks ago which has been a hard transition for me but not for Josiah. His car seat was more than just a car seat for was also his bed when we were out later than his bed time. Last night at bible study was the first night we have been somewhere past his bed time since switching car seats so we contemplated on what we should do. We tried to get a babysitter but that didn't work out so we decided to bring our pack and play and set it up at the church. I was a bit worried as to how moving him in and out of the car and up to his bed would all go...thankfully he did really well. He was out cold the min. I put him in his pack-n-play at the church and then did not wake up at all through all the transportation! I'm not getting my hopes up that he will continue this through every transition from pack-n-play to car to crib but am very thankful that it went so smoothly last night.
Well this is beginning to get long so I will end here, just thought I would share with you my thoughts and a few happenings in the Huber household.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Eyes Closed
I think they might be contagious...
Evelyn (my sister-in-law's girl)
Kaia (Cassie's girl)
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