A few days ago I went into town to drop something off at the post office. As I was getting Josiah out of the van a man walked by, we said our hello's and both proceeded with what we were doing. I got Josiah out of the van and walked to the door of the post office where I notice the guy was waiting to open the door for me. I thought, "gosh, what a nice man". He was standing inside and opened the door, I said thanks and proceeded to walk in when he stopped me and said...
Man: "you're the well"
Me: thinking what the heck is he talking about? "No, my last name is Huber"
Man: "No, I mean 'The Well'. " as he points to a poster on the wall
Me: feeling pretty dumb at this point "oh yeah, 'The Well'...yep that's me"
We continue to have a conversation about the poster and how he will be coming to Cafe Church (what the poster was advertising). I was excited to hear he was coming but than thought this guy must think I am an idiot if I don't even know that I am part of the group called "The Well".
I laughed about it later and told Brett the story and we both laughed again. Here's the poster...

About a year ago, Brett and I and a few of our close friends started a worship hour called "The Well" on Sunday evenings once a month held in Mobridge, SD which is a far bigger city than where we all live. Inspired by what most of us knew as "Vespers" from our college days we felt the need for an intimate hour of worship with the Lord which is something unheard of out here. After a lot of planning and seeking direction from the Lord we were able to start it up and have had a lot of positive feedback. The idea is to get all the surrounding community churches together for a time of corporate worship where we put aside our denominational backgrounds and just come and worship the Lord. We have incorporated a speaker/devotional into the hour where we have a new speaker each time and then a time for just silent prayer. It's been an amazing experience being able to be a part of this ministry and if any of you reading this live in the area we encourage you to come out and worship with us through song the last Sunday of every month at the Event Center in Mobridge.
Since becoming "The Well" we've had a few opportunities to use our gifts in other churches as we have been invited. The poster was from a nearby church that puts on a "Cafe Church" every few months and invited a band to come do background music during the cafe part of it and then lead the group in a time of worship after. Brett and I think this is just such a neat ministry that this church does and we were honored to be asked to be a part of it.
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