With some very difficult things going on in our lives right now that seem to be constantly filling my brain I will try and keep my thoughts as organized as I can...
Before Josiah's 18 month check-up I was worrying a lot about his speech or lack-there-of but at his 18 month check up all was well. His speech had picked up a bit and he was saying the allotted amount of words that they wanted him to be saying. He was at the lower end of the spectrum but was still progressing so we felt comfortable and good with where he was at. Over the past few months it seemed that the words he was saying, he wasn't anymore. Brett and I talked and prayed a lot about what we should do and we had decided we would wait and give him a few more months to see what happens. That was our plan until about two weeks ago when his screaming skyrocketed. We went through about 3 days of it and decided that enough was enough. I called our Birth to 3 Area Connections and they came and did an evaluation. Of course just as we knew he was way behind in his speech. She then referred him to the county where they would do an evaluation on him as well. They came this last Thursday and will come again on Tuesday and then from there we will have a speech therapist come to our house.
Parenting has been THE hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life! It seems that one worry follows the next. Josiah's lack of speech has not only been frustrating for him but also really hard on Brett and I. I'm not sure that Brett has the exact same thoughts as I do but I really do struggle with feeling like I haven't been a good mom. That maybe his delay in speech is my fault. Not only are we feeling the strain of this speech issue but it seems to have made us short with each other and mostly a very short amount of patience for our son. This breaks my heart and I pray that the Lord can give me the patience I need each day to get through this.
We look forward to his speech therapy and are praying for quick results.
And just a quick look at what happens in our house if you don't hear any noise from your 21 month old...
Oh Tanna....my momma heart is breaking for you.
The speech delay is not your fault and doesn't make you a bad mom in the slightest. You are a terrific mom for getting Josiah the help he needs right away. Thank God we live in a time where help is readily available and not when children would have been simply written off.
I'll be praying for you and Brett as you work through this with Josiah.
p.s. Dennis has a little cousin that didn't speak until he was 3 and only after the help of a ST. Now, at 8, he chatters away with the best of them.
You guys are wonderful parents and you have a healthy and happy little guy... even if at times it does not seem like that, he really is!!! Each child I believe decides when they are ready for each step in their lives! You are BOTH doing an amazing job with him!!! He is adorable to!!! Praying for all 3 of you!!! God has a purpose for everything that happens in our lives... we may not see it at the moment, but in time it will come to us!!! Good luck and Josiah LOVES YOU THE WAY YOU ARE and HE LOVES HOW MUCH YOU BOTH LOVE HIM!!!! Talk to you later!!! :)
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