Three weeks ago I took the test...and...we're prego! Yep, that's right Josiah is going to be a big brother. At this point I am only a little over 7 weeks along so it's still early but as of the last week I am already beginning to remember some of the many reasons I did not like being pregnant. As nausea and extreme tiredness are setting in I'm beginning to think this is going to be a long haul to June.
After a night at the ER last night and an overnight stay at the hospital we were able to see our newest addition to our family. And because I know I probably can't just leave it at that I will share the story of my ER visit for those of you who want to know. If not than just end your reading here. :)
ER story...
...It all started about a half hour after I put Josiah down to bed last night. Brett was still out harvesting and so besides Josiah asleep up in his crib I was home alone. Because we were having Brett's uncle over for the night I thought I should tidy the house up a bit. As I was walking around the house cleaning up toys and crumbs all over the floor I began to feel some stomach pains. They grew in their intensity pretty quickly. It got to the point where I could hardly walk because I was in so much pain. My first thought was to go into the bathroom and try and go hoping it would help some of the pain. As I was sitting there my hearing started to fade and I broke into a sweat. Because I have had this happen many other times I knew that it meant I was maybe going to faint. I leaned back against the back of the toilet and that was the last I remember until I woke up on the floor with extreme pain on face and head and some blood on the floor next to me. I wasn't quite sure where I was so I just stayed their until I started to realize that I knew I was going to need some help. I had the phone in the bathroom with me because I was going to bring it up stairs since it was the phone that goes in our bedroom but because it wasn't the main phone none of our preset number were in it. Being so out of it the only number I could remember was my husbands so I called...and called...and called. No answer. I then clicked the last call that was made to our house and called it. Long story short it was our good friends house just a few miles from us. As my friend stayed on the phone with me while her husband drove them over to our house they came and helped clean me up a bit while getting a hold of my husband. Brett was at our house shortly after and since we knew I was pregnant and had a bloody lip and a cut on my nose from the fall Brett decided to take me in to the ER. On the 50 mile trip to the ER I began having stomach pains again and once again passed out only to awake to Brett saying my name and me having no idea where I was.
Ok so long story short they ran a bunch of tests, had a MRI and CT scan, some blood work, hooked up to an IV, and had a ultra sound to make sure the baby was ok. Since I had passed out a couple of times they decided I should stay over night. I was given the ok to leave in the morning and thanks to some other good friends who took Josiah for the morning and afternoon I was able to get the nasty hospital smell off of me with a shower and then a long 3.5 hour nap that was much needed. Now I'm home! Feeling a bit tired and left with a big lip, cut on the nose, and a few bruises but so thankful for great friends who take care of us and for a God who keeps protection over us.
I'll leave it at that.
Congrats!!! But... what did they end up saying was wrong??
glad you're okay. and congrats! i meant to say congrats earlier when julie let the cat out of the bag to me... :)
They are not sure what the problem was. They let me out of the hospital and just told me if it happens again they will look further into it. I'm just praying it doesn't happen again.
Congratulations!! That shirt rocks. I'm so glad that you guys take such roller coaster events in stride. My porcelain pass-out story would NOT fly on the blog on account of standing up too fast after a nap is borrriinnng.
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