I feel I must add before I say anything else that my mother did a wonderful job at making the bedding. I choose an array of fabrics that posed for some difficulty in the completion of the project. And because of a few bad measurements and forgetful minds we had to sew a few parts on the bumper pretty tightly. Once again, long story short there are places in the bumper that are coming apart and could probably be easily torn apart and shredded by a little one year old boy who likes to break things when no one is looking :)
Anyway, this lack of a strongly put together bumper would not be an issue if it weren't for this...
to bed and I didn't think much of it because he is teething (yet again) and I
thought that was why he was crying.
This is a very regular occurrence with Josiah. This particular picture happens to be from last night when I went into his room before I went to bed to do my normal check on him and to put his blankets back on him. This then brings me back to my bumper or no bumper question for ya all. I know there is a lot of debate as to if there should be a bumper in a crib because it poses risk of suffocation. I've thought about the netted ones you can buy because they are then breathable but after checking into them they are very expensive (because it appears you have to purchase two sets in order for it to go around your whole crib which ends up being around 60 dollars). I'm not sure what to do but think I'm going to have to do something so we don't have a child stuck between the rails all the time. Any advice anyone?
Hey Tanna! We have this breathable bumper:
We only had to buy one and we have a standard size crib. Hope you can figure something out!
Jaclyn, thanks! Do you like it? Does it stay on well with the velcro?
Tanna, we had the same problem with kids and bumpers, they're a pain when it comes to changing the sheets. But I found that even with a bumper securely in place, we continued to have problems with the kids falling asleep with their legs or arms hanging out of the crib. It really bugged me and so I would peek in every once in awhile and found out why. They loved to sit and dangle their arms or legs out of the crib to delay falling asleep. They would wiggle those little fingers and toes underneath the bumper and hang them out and pull on the bumper or play with the bars. So I finally just opted to go with out the bumper and check on them to make sure that when they fell asleep, I would try to gentle place the misplaced extremities back into the crib. BTW--I also found out later when they decided to try and climb out of the crib that the securely placed bumper didn't move much and there for gave them a step up to get higher so that they could straddle the railings and jump out.
Yeah, I liked it. Not revolutionary or anything, but it did its job. We recently took it off because we didn't feel like Adelaide needed it on there anymore. You do have to push it back up when you change the sheets, but it's so thin that it's pretty easy to do that. And yes, it stayed on really well. It has long strips of velcro so you can make it as tight as you want on the crib. If you want, I can ship ours to you and you can try it out to see if you like it. I really wouldn't mind. Could save you $30 if you end up not liking it. Let me know!
Ahhh... Bella does that all the time too. :-) Cracks me up every time, poor kid. I never had an issue with being scared of the bumper and I think if he's mobile he won't suffocate... but it's up to you. Maybe just push blankets up against the slats? Time to move to a big kid bed??
Tanna -
Colton will be 2 1/2 in a month and we still have his bumper on his crib. He also had a problem when he was younger with his legs and arms getting stuck. I leave it in because I am afraid he might hit his head when he is moving around. We have had no problems with him not being able to breathe. I think he likes it to b/c of how soft it is for him. I think bumpers are a great idea.
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