Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Gosh, I can't believe it has been a month since my last post. It seems as though so much has happened and that life has been completely busy as the days have flown right on by and yet I can't seem to think of what all has happened in the last month. Isn't it funny how life can do that to a person? It's not that I have simply forgotten about the blog or that absolutely nothing has been happening to write about, it's more like I just have no idea where to start.

I guess I will start here...

This month has been a month of ups and downs as I'm learning how to be a godly wife, mother, and child of God. Since moving to a new state and having a new little life in my life I've found that I've really struggled with finding my place in this world that I long to not be a part of. Does that make sense? I've struggled with finding a balance between daily life (i.e. house chores, playing with Josiah, fellowship with friends, serving, time with my husband and adequate time with the Lord). I just can't seem to figure it out. If I'm honest with myself and all of you my time with the Lord (what's supposed to be the most important part of the day) I've skipped over more times than I can count. I hate admitting that to myself and most off all to everyone who reads this. I've been encouraged lately by my dear husband and some really great friends that nothing during the day could be more important than spending that time with the Lord. Even if it means that I don't get some other stuff done. Thanks to those of you who I have found encouragement in. Many of you probably have no idea that you have even been an encouragement but I thank the Lord for you in my life in whatever way that maybe, big or small, I'm blessed by you in my life.

1 Peter 1:6-7
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

I'll end here before I allow myself to make this once again a very lengthy post.

Although I do have a couple updates with Josiah...
1. He is now drinking from all kinds of sippy cups!!!
2. He has taken a couple of steps by his self and seems to have no fear of it.


Heidi said...

I was wondering when Josiah would take some steps! He was already so close at Easter when we saw him!! Yay big guy! We need to chat again soon!!! I'll give you a call. :) Love ya SIL.

jenny said...

Totally hear you on this one. It's such a difficult struggle - finding balance after motherhood. I've been trying to get up early before she arises, but I don't make it half the days. Ugh. Love you Tanna.