Monday, March 1, 2010

5 am

5 am comes all too quickly in our house these days. It used to be that 5 am would come and go and I wouldn't even know it but now our little man has decided he needs to get up at 5 am. Those of you who know me well know that I am not a 5 am kind of a person. I'm not a 6 am or 7 am kind of a person either. Since becoming a mommy I have been able to adjust to 7 am (even though I still don't like it) but anything before that on a regular basis is just tough for me.

Josiah gets a bottle at 7 pm and is into bed anytime from 7 pm to 7:30pm. He is getting two of his molars now which could be the cause for getting up at 5 am but I'm just beginning to worry that maybe he is just going to start to get up at 5 am all the time. All this to say, does anyone have any ideas on how to keep an almost 1 year old to sleep later in the morning?

Side Note:

We would just get up with him when he woke up at 5 am the first few mornings but than we quickly realized that he would be extremely crabby and also would fall asleep playing about an hour later. This makes me feel like he really is not ready to be up at 5 am but I just don't know what to do. We have let him just cry himself back to sleep which has worked on occasion but it lasts for about 45 min of crying which makes for still no extra sleep for sleepy parents who don't go to bed at 7 pm.

What happens when he gets up too early.

Anyway, any ideas or thoughts would be great!


jenny said...

Well, I'm not sure if I have any tips, but Bella did that for awhile. She just would wake up later for a week or two, but then eventually go back to her old schedule. So, maybe just wait it out. Ya, and Bella got up early like that and then would go back down for a nap, in which I'd join her. :-) But eventually she made it all the way til 7(ish). I put books and a sippy cup in her crib too to help entertain at those early hours.

Erin Wilmoth said...

So I totally asked this same question on facebook today. The common answer was to block the light as it was probably waking him up - but not at 5am! I'm gonna hope that it's just a phase, as I'm hoping the same thing for us!

Shannon said...

Ryan's going through the SAME thing for the last couple of mornings (this morning he let us "sleep in" until 5:15). His issue is that he's been hungry, so I think he may be going through a growth spurt. Molars may be the culprit for Josiah though, I've heard those are kind of rough to come in.

Blessings to you and I hope the little man will get back with his old schedule soon!