Josiah use to be such a content little baby. Really from day 1 people always told us how content he was, we agreed and felt very blessed to have such a content little guy. In the last month...especially the last two weeks our content little baby is no more. I can't figure out what to do. As soon as I put him on the floor, within a min. he is crying. When I pick him up he is content for a min and then is trying to squirm right out of my arms. This creates an endless cycle of up and down all day long. I'm thinking a huge reason he is so unhappy all the time is because he just wants to get up and go. Two days ago he took his first "steps" crawling and has only done it a few times since. I got really excited when he did it thinking it would solve this problem of being so fussy all the time but it only seemed to make it worse. I don't know if it's because he got a taste of what moving around is all about or what? I love him to death but sometimes he just makes me want to pull my hair out! What do you do with a 9 1/2 month old who can't be pleased all of a sudden? I take that back, he can be pleased as long as there is another little baby or kid around but lets be honest the only way to solve that is to have another baby and ummm, I think I will wait on that for a little while longer. Someone tell me this is just a phase and that it will pass. I can't seem to get anything done around the house unless it is his nap time but then all I want to do is curl up and take a nap myself.
Which brings me to the other odd thing that I'm hoping is just a phase as well. Ever since teething started around 6 months Josiah just can't seem to let us sleep through the night. He started sleeping through the night around 2 1/2 months and did all the way up until teething started. Don't get me wrong we are still getting full nights of sleep here and there but it seems like about half the week we are and the other half we aren't. About a couple of weeks ago he started getting up a couple of hours after he was down for the night...hmmm...don't know how to explain this one. He will go back to bed as soon as we go up there, give him his pacifier or rub his belly but still...why? Am I doing something wrong? Tell me this is a phase as well and will soon pass. I'm open to any suggestions!
Ahhh Tanna. Such is motherhood - the endless cycle of questioning and wondering... all to never really know in the end. I think this is just a phase. Personally, I think babies just go through fussy stages and then happy phases. It is EXHAUSTING, but I bet he will turn "back to normal" sooner or later (hopefully sooner!). Bella began having the "separation anxiety" right around Josiah's age and wanted to be held all the time, or at least have me in sight. It lasted about a month and then was gone.
Could he have an ear infection?? Those also cause a lot of discomfort and can sometimes have no signs other than the fussiness.
I'll keep you in my thoughts, friend. And hope you get some rest soon!
hmm, i don't know that i have any suggestions. only understanding. i am right there with you. since teething actually never sleeps through the night. and he has been more fussy than ever lately. i'm not sure exactly what to do either. you're not the only one! i know that isn't answers, but hopefully there is some comfort in knowing that you aren't alone. (right now i simply LOVE when owen is asleep - nap or bedtime - such a nice break!)
It sounds like Josiah is starting to realize that he is a separate person. I know with my boys, it always caused them to want to expand their horizons and test their independence, but at the same time they also wanted their security from home base (mommy or daddy). Imagine it's is like yourself being torn with a decision, only he hasn't grown up enough and learned the tools to cope with the situation. That is kind of what he is developing right now, it is probably one of the baby steps he is taking towards growing up to be a mature individual--knowing that he can't have it all, but is trying to anyway. That's where your role (and Brett's role) as a parent becomes more active (and even includes much hair pullage!) you are now graduating from meeting basic needs to forming and shaping character in Josiah's life (one small and tedious step at a time).
With the sleep thing, it might be teething, or it might have started with teething, but sometimes it's apart of the new self awareness thing. Just wanting to know that if something goes wrong or that if he needs you, that you will be there and that you will come for him. It sounds like you are doing just the right thing. It gets tricky when they figure out that you do come every time and so they use it for their advantage to get you to come and to stay and try to get you to play (or anything so they don't have to go to sleep). I guess the best thing is having a plan that you and Brett have decided on and sticking with it. You guys are doing great! Keep up the good work. Oh, and BTW take a nap when you can, you'll feel more rested and more prepared to handle the tough days. And remember the house will always be there--Josiah won't.
Move over sister - I'm in the same pickle as you! Lately Ryan has really come to prefer me to be around all.the.time which is treasured since I work, but I can imagine it would get tiring every minute of every day. He has also stopped wanting to eat with any sort of vigor which is weird, but I digress....
It sounds to me that little Josiah is probably going through a phase with the seedlings of separation anxiety as Jenny mentioned (with the waking early and being glued to you - he may just be looking for reassurance) plus he's on the verge of a "developmental leap" with mobility. I've read that lots of practice in what they want to do may help them along (which I'm sure you're already doing). People keep telling me "This too shall pass..."
Since our boys are so close in age I really appreciate hearing your experiences Tanna - you are definitely not alone! I hope this phase will be a quickie!
Tanna, I'll just start by saying that I don't know ANYTHING. People ask me why Adelaide does stuff all the time, I tell them I have NO IDEA, and I'd pay them if they could figure it out. That being said, I remember that Adelaide was really fussy for the few weeks before she could REALLY crawl and get around easily. It seemed that once she was able to move a lot and began pulling herself up she was back to being my happy baby. I hope the same thing happens with Josiah and that he's himself again soon.
As far as the sleeping thing, I have no idea. :/
Hang in there! Miss you guys!
Wow, you're getting lots of great advice. I love seeing what others have to say. My girls are so different from each other (as you know) so they handle situations differently. Something I was convicted of lately in the road of parenting is that they really do handle change so much better than I do. So much changes in their little worlds in just a few short years and here I am, almost 30, in a bad mood because I couldn't have my coffee this morning. We are the same creatures! :)
I hope you guys start getting to sleep through the night consistently again too! We have gone through good and bad phases since Day 1. They'll get sick or go through teething or something that messes with their schedule and we finally realize that when they are over their "thing" we need to start at square one and do our sleep training things again. Fun, fun! I love doing this parenting thing with you guys! Thanks for being so honest and open so I can learn with you!
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