Brett has given me the task of packing for when we go to the hospital to deliver our little guy and as much as I enjoy packing this has been a task I was given lets say probably over a week ago now and yet it's still not done :) Although, yesterday I did begin the packing but I'm finding it hard to know what to even bring so that's where all of you ladies who have already done this come in...
...what do I need to pack?
...what do I need to make sure I don't forget?
...what exactly do I need for the hubby and for the baby?
I'll be awaiting your responses...while delaying my packing yet again :)
Gosh... I was an awful packer as well. Ummm... I just packed a change of clothes (sweatpants and underwear and sweatshirt), some shampoo, etc. Nothing too great. An outfit for the baby, a baby blanket, and Trav took care of himself. You know... the next day, while Bella and I were resting, Trav drove home for a couple hours to exercise and shower and get whatever else we needed. So if you're close to the hospital, I wouldn't freak about packing ALL the essentials. There will DEFINITELY be some down time over the next few days after labor. But some ladies are totally opposite me - they packed everything! Makeup, couple pairs of clothes, etc. Whatever you like...
Tanna...I have no idea but I found this website for you:
Hope it helps!
Oh I am so glad you posted about this! (and people are replying!) It seems this week everyone around me has been telling me to get my bag packed.....I'm only 33 weeks though, but okay whatever. I'm compromising and making a list of what I will need to pack. ;) I can't believe you are getting so close to meeting your little man!
well, i am kind of in the same boat. i need to pack and haven't yet! but i have this really cool book that makes a list, and i boiled mine down to the essentials.
for you: change of comfy clothes, shampoo, face wash, toothbrush, socks, and a lot of things said 'something that opens in the front'. they also suggest in case you have a longer labor to pack something to keep you busy - ipod, books, etc.
for baby: outfit to travel home, blanket, and some things i've seen say even a spare diaper (though i think the hospital would take care of that)
you'll be fine - if you at least have an idea, you can even pack in the early stages of labor - well finish packing... i have a feeling that is what will happen with me!
I just packed the other night, as I was putting it off as well! I packed some pjs good for nursing, underwear, nursing bra, toothbrush/toothpaste, lotion, camera, snacks (I'm not too excited about the hospital food), the baby's blanket to bring him/her home in, a winter suit thing to put the baby in in case it's really cold, and I think that's about it. Brady's going to go out and get an outfit for the baby once we know what it is, and I figured I'd just wear home what I go to the hospital in. Of course we're only about 2 blocks from the hospital, so I didn't freak out about it too much. I might throw some movies in my bag in case the labor is long; it may help take my mind off the pain. Good luck my friend!
I haven't had this experience before but I just went to visit my good friend in the hospital. There were a bunch of visitors and we were trying to decide who the baby looked like. She reached in her bag for a small plastic photo album. In it she had pictures of her, her husband, parents and even grandparents when they were kids/newborns. This was also her third baby so she had pictures of the first two from their first few days in the world. It was a LOT of fun to pass that around and remember/laugh/learn about them.
I totally just used the list on websites or that we got in our birthing class book. Pack the basics. :) The most fun thing to pack is the baby outfit!! Your little guy will probably be given a little hat at the hospital and like I've said before, raid everything baby related they give you... you're paying for it anyway! :)
We wanted to post pictures and don't have a laptop so a friend brought theirs. So bring that cause most hospitals have WiFi you can hook up to. If you don't have one, have a friend bring one in and maybe even post the pics for you. We also brought playing cards. We didn't use them because it was nice to sleep or watch TV in our free time, but could be something to keep your mind off of things.
Clothing for you: I guess people say to bring what you fit into at 5 months pregnant because you'll be a little swollen still for a week or so. I was anyway. You'll just want to be comfy.
Have fun!
Everyone pretty much has the basics covered....
The only "unbasic" items I recommend is bringing your nursing pillow (if you're using can leave it in the car till you're in your room and want it), a neck wrap that you can heat in the microwave as all the pushing may make your neck and shoulders REALLY sore (I have one you can borrow), lanisoh cream (start using it right away!), and your baby book (make sure you get the footprints inked in when they do it for the birth you don't have to do it twice!).
Oh...and I recommend taking a newborn sized outfit and 0-3 month sized outfit...just in case baby Hubie is a big boy:) (its also nice to have a back up outfit in case they soil the first one!)
What's going on??? Is it baby time yet?
well, I think everyone already listed the basics for you. I would just strongly urge you to pack comfy clothes for yourself. You're going to want to be really comfy in your room. I would also bring a robe with you. I was really cold in my room with the first baby and it would have been nice to have my own robe along. Slippers are kinda nice too for when you get up a move around a little after the baby is born. If you are nursing, bring along some nursing pads as well. I drenched a few shirts when I was in the NICU with the first baby. The fact that you are packing now is good. I went into labor three weeks early the first time around and packed while in labor. It was hard to concentrate on the task at that point. But, like others have said, you can always send home your hubby to get things you forget.
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