Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Transitioning to a toddler bed

We are getting close to thinking we need to move Josiah to a toddler bed. He has always been a good napper and really good about going down for bed at night time until the last few weeks or so. He is really starting to fight both nap time and bed time and we can't figure out why. He is clearly tired, we can tell that much, but why he won't go to sleep we can't figure out.

So I guess my question is two-fold. Is this the right time to switch him to a toddler bed? And how do we go about doing it?

All you mothers, fathers, babysitters out there if you could share in your tips for transitioning from a crib to a toddler bed I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


The Christophersen Chronicle said...

Hi Tanna, you probably don't want advice from me but here it is anyway. First of all with the nap and bed time, this is very normal at this age. We went through it with both Vance and Victoria and it is just a power struggle. They are testing you to see who is really in charge. Sorry but even your sweet little one has that inborn want to to have his own way. Ha ha. He also will work through it in time. I would say it was a 6 week battle with vance and about a 12 week battle with Victoria but they all work through it. Now about the transition to the tddler bed. I would say wait. Take one battle at a time. Get through the bed battle first and then move to the toddler bed. It is easier to get out of a toddler bed than a crib. That is unless you are Vance and we still are not totally sure how he was doing it. But my advice is you want to get them through the struggle with going to sleep and then take on the transition to the toddler bed. Take it for what it is worth. God bless you all. Virgil.

Rachel said...

I don't know if it means it is the right time, with a newborn, you might just want to tough this phase out, bc switching now might be more of a hassle.

Brighton didn't struggle switching to a bed at all (At 17 months) but he still goes in phases of having a really hard time going to sleep, fighting and crying.. the works. We just came out of that phase, it's HARD! But all things are a phase in parenting :)

So if i were you, I would wait it out until life settles down and then start it. BUT I also think if you try it now and it doesn't work, you can always put him in a pack and play :)

jenny said...

We did it with Bella before Summer came and it really wasn't a big deal at all. The first few nights, we had to discipline b/c she'd get out of bed, but we just SUPER emphasized the "no getting out" rule and she's obeyed it [pretty much - w/ a few exceptions]. I was scared to do it, but it ended up not being a problem at all.

I've been MEANING to write you forever now... I am working on getting your cocoon done (I know it's been forever... but I had a knitting strike...) and I want to write you to talk about life and such...

I will soon... :-) Love you friend.