Thursday, July 1, 2010

A story to tell at his wedding!

The worst has just happened...

Warning. If you have a queasy stomach
you might not want to read on.

Tonight as we were giving Josiah his nightly bath before bedtime I believe the worst thing (meaning the nastiest thing) happened while he was in the tub. Brett was sitting on the counter, I was sitting on the toilet (not going to the bathroom, just sitting) and of course Josiah was in the tub. He was sitting on his knees when we began to hear him peeing in the tub into one of his toy cups. We stop our conversation and look at him, while he finishes he has this weird look on his face and I comment, "I hope he doesn't poop". With no grunting and no red face (which is what normally gives it away that he is pooping) we go back to our conversation and Josiah goes back to playing...or so we thought...

...All of a sudden Brett yells, "NO, STOP!"

What do we see...?

Josiah with a handful of POOP and shoving it in his mouth!!!

Yes, you read that right...our cute little boy ATE HIS OWN POOP!!!


I immediately grabbed the poop out of his hand, Brett grabbed Josiah and started washing his hands in the sink while I finished cleaning out the rest of the poop chunks from the tub. We of course then gave him another bath and brushed his brown stained teeth.

This is completely nasty but I for one still can't wait to tell this story at his wedding!


Amber said...

Eww...that's about all I can say. Oh, and please don't tell it at his wedding. Even though it will have been YEARS ago, his wife still may end up not wanting to kiss him that night. :( I hope you threw away the toothbrush.

Anonymous said...

I am not to surprised Tan--he is your child! Loved the story!