Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sippy Cup

these are the two sippy cups we have tried
(one with a hard tip and the other wtih a soft tip)

Josiah appears to have a love hate relationship with his sippy cup. Why you might ask? I have not the darnedest clue!

This is what happens when I take the sippy cup out for meals...

Me: Step 1, (with a big smile on my face) Josiah here's your sippy!

Josiah: Step 1, even bigger smile on his face and kicking of legs in pure excitement with the sounds "eeeeee" coming from his mouth

Me: Step 2, (thinking it's going to work this time) I place the sippy up to his mouth.

Josiah: Step 2, (sippy cup coming towards his mouth... only to have his smile diminish with a quick swipe of his hand knocking the sippy cup away.

Me: Repeat steps 1 and 2 over and over again...

Josiah: Repeat steps 1 and 2 over and over again...

Me: I try taking the lid off of the sippy in hopes that he will just drink from the cup

Josiah: Huge grin on his face again, along with kicking legs in excitement

Me: I pretend to take a sip myself

Josiah: kicking of his legs gets harder, smile gets bigger...

Me: (once again thinking, "it's working!") bring the cup up to his mouth

Josiah: his smile diminishes again, legs kicking ends as he jerks his head back and forth doing whatever he can to get away from the cup (and of course hitting the cup with his flailing hands as the contents of the cup go all over me.

Me: Ahhhhhhh...seriously kid...I put the cup away, clean up and hope for a better experience the at the next meal.

This is seriously what happens each time I bring the sippy cup out for his meals. I have tried different sippy cups, different contents in the cup, and of course just letting him play with it to try and get used to it. Nothing works...I just don't know what else to do. He is nearing 11 months soon and we are planning on stopping the bottle around a year so I feel particularly anxious to get him going on the sippy cup so that when we stop the bottle he will still get the fluids he needs. I started the sippy cup at 6 months and it is now almost 5 months later and he still will not take it.

What am I supposed to do? Can anyone help?


Christiansons said...

My kids all had a hard time with sippy cups, in fact, they never ended up figuring them out until after they used a regular cup. So I sucombed to the messes of a regular cup and gave them about enough for one or two drinks and helped them with it. I know there was one cup that actually sort of work. It was a regular cup that had a top on it. Basically it was there to slow down the flow and help with spills. It didn't have a valve or rely on a baby's ability to suck. You could try a cup like that.

Ashley said...

I have no idea. But I googled it to try and find you some help: http://www.babycenter.com/0_sippy-cup-dos-and-donts_1439508.bc
Good Luck Tanna!!

Huber said...

thanks ladies!

jenny said...

Or maybe try the kind that have the straw coming out? If he can suck from a bottle, he probably can suck from a straw?? Kids... they're all so different!

Heidi said...

Fun! You're so persistent. :) I took many breaks and probably paid when Ev was throwing tantrums when it was either some kind of cup or no drink. You've probably heard our story. When we switched to milk at 12 months, we took away the bottle too. As we switched to total milk, they had to drink it out of the cup. They did fine with the milk transition, so it was more about the cup. Anna did fine because she was thirsty and loved milk time! :) Ev wanted her milk, so she gave in a couple days (I tried the two sippy's you showed and just drinking out of a cup regularly). :) I feel like I'm learning more than they are and going through more change than they are... you? :)