It's been a few weeks since my last blog and a lot has happened so here I am finally sitting at the computer ready to try and catch up on the last few weeks of life. You might want to get comfortable and grab a cup of coffee because I'm not sure how long of a post this will be but I will try my best to keep it short.
Here are the highlights that I will touch on...
-Valentines Day
-2 Year Anniversary (first night away from Josiah)
-Josiah turns 11 months old
-Trip to the ER
(each one is highlighted so if you don't want to read them all just scroll down to the ones that interest you)Valentines Day:
(after pruning them and waiting for them to open up)
My dear husband was so thoughtful and realizing we were leaving on Monday (the day after Valentines day) for our anniversary trip he had 18 beautiful roses delivered on the Thursday before Valentines day so I could enjoy them before we left. They came in the mail via 1-800-Flowers which was also a lot of fun. I think the last time I got flowers in the mail was when we were dating before I moved to Peoria which was at least 3 years ago if not more. I love flowers and I love getting stuff in the mail so the combination was wonderful! When Valentines day came I woke up to a note on our bathroom mirror with a huge heart around it! There was a storm passing through on Valentines day which meant that church was we had the whole day to spend together locked in our house as a family.
2 Year Anniversary:
Enjoying our first night alone in 11 months!
On Monday we headed to Minnesota for celebrate our 2 Year Anniversary! Since we had Josiah (11 months ago) we have not had a night alone together. Brett has had a few nights away from Josiah for work related things but since Josiah has been born I have not had a single night away from him and though I love him dearly, I was very excited for my night away.
On Tuesday at noon we left Josiah with his Aunt Heidi and Uncle Dan (Brett's sister and her husband). Kissing him goodbye and walking out the door I looked at Brett with a huge smile on my face and explained to him how excited I was for this night away (he shared in the excitement). We debated for the last month on what we wanted to do for our anniversary. We really wanted to go snowboarding or something more adventurous like that but after much thought we realized that this was our first night away from Josiah together and we just wanted to relax, enjoy, and catch up on sleep. In the end we enjoyed a relaxing day trying out couches (we are saving up for new living room furniture), eating lunch at one of my favorites, Kahn's, walked around the mall (I bought jeans!), checked into our hotel, went out for an amazing dinner at Victory 44 where we shared a 7 course meal (so much fun), slept, had breakfast at Bruggers Bagels, and meandered around Minneapolis trying to find an Army Surplus store. It may seem boring to some but it was wonderful just spending 24 hours together alone doing whatever we felt like doing at that moment with no agenda. For lack of a better word it was simply amazing!
At Victory 44 with our last course...the desert!
Our only down falls were:
-checking into our hotel early to use the hot tub and pool only to find out it was closed for remodeling (the same thing happened to us last year on our first anniversary)
-our hotel room was HOT and the bed was not comfortable which made for not the best night of sleep.
-waking up at 7am and not being able to fall back asleep (Brett assured me that it was still good getting up at 7am because at least we weren't having to get up with Josiah and start the day, instead we could just lounge)
-Trying to find a Army Surplus store in Minneapolis that I could have swore existed. After about an hour of searching we called our brother-in-law and asked him to look up directions. Once we got to the store (not the one I was thinking of) it was closed.
The best part:
-We had a full 24 hours together...alone...with no agenda!
Josiah turned 11 months:
On February 18th Josiah turned 11 months old! Only one more month and he will be a 1 year old...crazy!
Josiah's stats:
20.8 lbs
31.5 inches long
Favorites and new things:
-still loves books
-can turn the page for us (when asked) while we are reading a book.
-pulls himself up to standing (on everything, even if it's only a foot off the floor he feels the need to stand up while still holding on to the short object)

-still loves his jumper. We thought after he started crawling that he would hate it and so I thought I could finally put it away but he still absolutely love it when we give him a chance to be in it.
-loves crackers!
-loves the guitar! I will sit down in the living room and play and he will crawl over as fast as he can and try and hold onto the guitar with the biggest smile plastered on his face.
The ER:We had an eventful day yesterday. We woke up in the morning and proceeded to get ready for church where we (Brett, myself, Josh, Courtney, and Luke) were leading worship at a friends church. While eating breakfast Brett asked if any of us (Dan and Heidi and the girls were staying with us) were feeling a bit sick and we all said no. Shortly after that my stomach really started to hurt as well and for the next hour and half Brett and I were in and out of the bathroom. We were trying to figure out what we were going to do since we were supposed to lead worship later that morning. After that hour and half I all of a sudden felt better which left me just enough time to finish getting ready and head to the church. Brett on the other hand was getting worse and began to throw up. He said he felt a little better after he threw up but we decided that I better just go to the church by myself and he would stay home with Josiah who was taking a nap. Church went smoothly for me and I didn't feel sick at all (praise the Lord). They have a meal after church so I stayed for the meal and chatted with friends before heading back home. After I got in the van I checked my phone and saw I had missed a call from Brett. I called him to tell him I was going to be coming home fully expecting him to sound alright. The opposite happened, he sounded terrible and in a lot of pain. I got home as soon as I could and found him in the bathroom throwing up again. He looked like he was in immense pain so I asked him if we should go into the ER and he shook his head yes. It's a 45 min trip to the hospital in Mobridge normally but after a few stops to throw up more we finally made it in about an hour. They admitted him, hooked him up to an IV because he was dehydrated, gave him pain medicine for the abdominal pain, and another medication to help stop throwing up. It ended up just being the flu but seeing him on the hospital bed hooked up to an IV just made me start to cry. I don't do well in hospitals at all and this just put me over emotionally. He is doing much better today!
While all of this was happening Brett's dad was going to Aberdeen to get Brett's mom from the hospital where she had been for the last few days. That morning while we were getting ready and getting sick, Anna (our 16 month old niece) fell down our stairs. At first we thought she was alright but after I left for church she would cry every time someone touched her foot. So as we were in the ER for Brett I found out that Anna was taken to the ER in Aberdeen to get checked out. It turned out that she had a fracture in her foot. I felt terrible...beyond terrible...that it happened at our house so as I sat next to Brett in the hospital bed the tears came streaming down. All this to say it was a very eventful Sunday that I don't wish to repeat.
And just to lighten it a bit at the end here is a picture outside our North window. When will spring come?