We packed up the minivan or as Brett calls it, "the man-van" and headed off to the beautiful state of Montana early last Sunday morning. We were able to spend 5 days/4 nights in beautiful Glacier National Park. Neither of us had ever been there and we were both blown away with God's beautiful creation. I love, love, love the mountains!
Josiah did so well with all the traveling and staying in a tent! What a blessing! It was quite cold the first few days so he had to be bundled up a lot and was not a huge fan of having so many clothes on but he was such a little champ about it. The first night went really well bundling him all up and putting him in his car seat for the night and he slept right through the night just like he does at home. The second night on the other hand was a bit more interesting. We were up at Two Medicine Lake and had set up camp and gosh was the wind just howling with the temp in about the 40's. Before I was about to feed him his last meal before bed we decided it was just too cold and windy to sleep in the tent so we took everything out of the van and put it in the tent and set up camp in the van for the night. Not exactly roughing it I know but we were sure glad we did it as the night continued to get colder and windier. We packed up the next morning and decided to go to the other side of the mountain to see if the weather would be a little better there and sure enough it was. We took the most beautiful road I have ever been on to get there. Right in the middle of Glacier is a road that goes right through the mountains. I believe it is called Road to the Sun or something like that and my goodness it was beautiful. That night it was beautiful out and we were able to enjoy once again a night in the tent. We headed out of Glacier on Wed. and headed south to Bozeman. We ended up deciding we wanted to end the vacation with a night in a hotel. We ordered in our favorite pizza from McKenzie River Pizza Co. (amazing!) and took Josiah swimming in the pool for his first time swimming which he loved!
To make a long story short camping with a baby is not as difficult as it seems. My only recommendation is to go camping when it's a bit warmer so that during the day they wouldn't have to be so bundled up as well. But seriously any of you lovers of camping should take your babies...what an adventure!
p.s. I was having trouble getting the pictures to upload on here so if you want to see molre pictures check out my facebook page I will try and get them up on there asap.
I love McKenzie River Pizza Co., but haven't had it since I was much younger and on a family vacation in Montana!
Man! I would love to go camping! We've always formula fed Bella, so I think that was the draw back. No water heater, and nothing to wash the continual bottles with. I haven't been camping since... hmmm... July 2007! TWO years! gosh, I miss it. But now that Bella's older we're both saying that we have to go. We just don't live in the best area for camping...
What if I don't have a baby? Can I borrow one?
hey~~way to go Tanna!! Camping with a baby is so fun! Glacier is beautiful...we were just north of there on the Canadian side for our honeymoon...amazing country!!
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