Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Sippy Cup Cure

As most of you know we have had quite the issue with using a sippy cup. When Josiah was 6 months old we started using this sippy cup...

We soon realized that that one wasn't going to work and heard about these soft spout sippy cups that look like this..

I thought all our problems would be solved and quickly realized that he wasn't going to take that sippy cup either. I figured it was because he was so young and thought I would just keep trying. By the time he turned a year we had purchased what seemed to be a hundred (not literally) different kinds of sippy cups all ranging in price and none that worked.

I was at my wits end thinking my son would never be able to drink from a cup. I had heard someone say they used shot glasses to teach their child to drink from a cup and while we do not own any shot glasses I thought I could use the cap to our Avent bottles.

This appeared to work. I had used other "regular" cups before and he wouldn't drink from those so when I tried the bottle cap I figured it was going to be rejected like everything else I had tried. To my surprise he drank from it and still does. I was still hung up on this sippy cup thing because although it was great he would drink from a "cup" I wanted him to be able to drink from a sippy cup for certain situations like at church or the car. I was recommended a sippy cup that looks more like a bottle so I went out and bought this...

Didn't work.

Then I was recommended a sippy cup with a straw. The next time I was at Target I looked around and found to my surprise quite a few sippy cups with straws....hmmmm...which one to buy? I figured the most expensive was probably the way to go (we live 90 miles from the nearest Target and I was sick of buying sippy cups so I thought the most expensive would be the one that worked the best). Yeah right! He hated it. I was thinking come on I just spent another 5 bucks on another sippy cup that doesn't work. Frustrated I thought that I should try and take a drink from it in front of him to encourage it and found out that I could hardly drink from it. It was incredibly hard to suck from.

The next time I was at the grocery story I was walking past the baby food aisle and thought I would take a look. They had these sippy cups with straws that were called "Throw & Go" cups. It was just a basic cup with a lid and a straw and considerably cheap for a pack of 4. I thought, what the heck I've already spent a bunch of money on sippy cups what's another couple of dollars, so I bought them. And what do you know....they worked! Josiah is now a trained professional at drinking from a sippy cup with a straw and I couldn't be happier!

Here's the winning sippy cup...

Spring days = Community Park

Josiah on the duck swing and loving it!

Spring is in the air! Well technically not today but over the past week we had a lot of "spring" filled days so Josiah and I took advantage of them and headed to the park. We went a total of 3 times and each one proved to be successful with a happy little boy who apparently loves the park (and loves the dirt and leaves). I have a feeling this will be a popular spot for us this summer as we meet up with a good friend Amber and her two little kiddos. I don't have any pictures from the first two trips with Amber but my sister-in-law is in town (do you still say "in town" when you live out in the middle of no where?) and we all went to the park on Saturday in which I had my camera in hand. Here's some pictures, Enjoy!

My two favorite guys!

Heidi and Anna at the top of the slide

Evelyn on the chicken swing.

One of Josiah's favorite spots...the dirt with the leaves!

Anna on the swing

I love the profile shot of these two!

Dan and Evelyn