Josiah's Lunch today. (peas, sweet potatos, & corn)A good friend from back in Peoria taught me the art of making my own baby food. I think I am still surprised at how easy it really is and I really enjoy doing it. Not only do I know exactly what I am feeding Josiah every day but I also am benefiting by saving our family a lot of money for which I am very thankful for. (Thanks Elise!) This thanksgiving however will be the first time I have needed to travel for more than just a day with the food and I'm just not quite sure how to go about it.

We freeze our baby food in ice cube trays and then put them into Ziploc baggies and then just pull them out of the freezer as we go. When I go for a day trip I just take them out and put them into small glass containers I have and put them in our little to-go cold storage container. It works perfectly but is not big enough for more than a days adventure and since we will be staying at a few different houses over the holiday I'm trying to figure out how to travel with it all. All this to say...if you have any idea's for me I would greatly appreciate it. I pray you all have a wonderful thanksgiving!

Just had to add in a cute picture of our little guy wearing his beloved hunting cap!
Hi Tanna! I make my own baby food too! Holla!! :)
When we are traveling over the holiday though, I'm going to bring along Gerber food since it will be difficult to find a fridge/freezer along the way and it will be one less thing to worry about. So I guess that's not a real idea there, just thought I'd chip in my 2 cents. :)
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Thanks Shannon! I've actually been contemplating doing that and probably will if I can't come up with a good idea otherwise. Have a great thanksgiving!
Your boy is TOO CUTE FOR WORDS! And, yes, I just bought canned baby food too whenever we traveled. Bella also liked to gnaw on grahm crackers as a snack around that age.
As for your comment on my blog, Bella is nearly 15 months and I am FINALLY getting around to doing something about my non-existent devotion time. It has been hard to get back into habit, but so worth it. It helps knowing she's on a pretty consistent sleep schedule so I can schedule in some quiet time.
I know friends who make their own food, yet just buy the take along Gerber for emergencies...
For someone who has no idea but thinks that is really interesting, can you pass along how you make the baby food. I just think that is so clever!
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