After 7 long months with out internet the Huber household now has internet once again! I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't say I'm somewhat ecstatic about this. It's mostly just the little things like paying a bill online or checking out one of the many questions I have about parenting. Example: "How much should I be feeding my son now?" Anyway, I had been making a running list in my head of the many things I was going to look up when we finally got internet and wouldn't you know that now that we have it I can't remember a darn thing! All this to say though, I am very excited to have internet again and now will once again be better about updating our blog.
The last time I blogged was when Josiah turned 6 months old and to my surprise he is exactly 8 months old how time goes by so fast. Here are a few highlights over the past two months.
-Can sit on his own
-Still refuses to think that being on his stomach is fun. Which is why I think it will be awhile before he starts crawling. On the times we can get him to enjoy a bit of time on his stomach he is turning around in circles and reaching hard for toys.
-Continues to grow and is now about 19 1/2 pounds and about 30 1/2 inches long.
-Still loves to jump, jump, jump! Anytime we have him standing he is always trying to jump.
-Loves to ride in the tractor/combine with Daddy!
-Absolutely loves reading books...especially, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear".
-Has two teeth on the bottom and has been working on the top two for the last two weeks. Needless to say it has been a long few weeks of a changed sleeping schedule but I think we are about done because the tips are about out.
-Is eating little puff cereal things.
-Has outgrown his car seat because he is too long. Which means no more putting him in his car seat when we are out with friends and it is his bedtime. This was so convenient, any ideas on what to do now?
-Continues to work long hours on the farm trying to pick away at the slow harvest we have been having due to weather.
-Is building a dog house for his (I say "his" because I don't really care all that much) dog, named Dozer, which my brother Andy and his wife Amber have so graciously been taking care of until we make it to Minnesota for thanksgiving to pick him up.
-Has been able to go hunting usually at least once a week with his buddies Luke and Josh and a few others who have made it out for a weekend trip.
-Is leading a couples bible study for a group of young couples around the surrounding areas and doing a wonderful job if I might add. I'm so proud of him!
-Canning! I type that with a bit of mixed feelings. I enjoy and love having canned foods from our garden but found that having a big garden is great for the product you get from it but it sure is a lot of work. I found myself doing it in shifts ever two days. I would try and do at least one batch every two days. Many of you are probably thinking, "why not just do it all in one day!" Good thought and I would have loved to but unfortunately I think Josiah would disagree. I'm realizing more and more each day that my life just looks different now. Yes, I can still do a lot of the same stuff that I have always done but it just looks different in the way that I do it.
-Photography! Something I love and have been hugely blessed in being able to do. I have been getting my name out a little more and have been able to do some family pictures, baby pictures, and senior pictures for people. It's been a lot of fun and a huge learning experience as I figure out exactly how I want to go about running this business.
-I had my first full day without Josiah a few weeks back. I missed him like crazy but was so very thankful for a day away with the girls thanks to my wonderful husband being able to take a day off of work and have a father/son day.
Well, those are a few updates and hopefully from here on out it won't have to be quite so long. Thanks for sticking with it and for doing that I have a special treat for! Here are a few pictures from over the last two months (although sadly I lost most of the last 4 months of pictures by accidentally deleting them, but here's what I have).