We have the nursery done! Josiah was born a month before we were going to move from Illinois to South Dakota so since our place was filled with boxes there was no room to set up an actual nursery for him. I had been looking forward to getting his room all set up for quite some time and now that it is done I thought I would post some pictures of it for everyone to see (it was actually the first room we got unpacked and completely set up in our new place). Here are the pictures but if anyone wants to come and see it in person (and see all of us of course) we would love to have company!
I need to come over during the day next time and tour the nursery again. I don't remember the dresser. :) So cute!
Looks great, Tanna! We finally got the internet so I can stalk you guys again ;) Steve is impressed with Brett's handy work on the crib & changing table. Give him props from the Fife's. We miss you guys!! BTW..can you give me your address so we can possibly make traveling arrangements ;)
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