As of day 2 of living here Brett has been hard at work on the farm...and loving it! We came right at the beginning of planting which means very long hours in the tractor which equals not a lot of family time but we are adapting to our new change of living very well. Josiah and I make frequent trips out to the tractor to bring lunch and supper where we usually hop in the tractor for a ride and spend some family time. Josiah falls right to sleep and does not wake for the whole ride (even the 3 and 4 hour rides we have done a few times) which leaves plenty of time for Brett and I to talk and just be together.
We had a wonderful surprise visit from the Russell's! They drove all the way from Oregon and showed up at our door step...I was scared out of my mind because we heard a car door slam and it was 11pm. Brett said he was going to go down and check it out (I wanted him to grab a bat) and as he went downt he stairs and I sat in bed scared out of my mind (let me remind you that we moved out to the middle of nowhere). Then from downstairs I hear someone yelling in a familar voice "Tanna!" "Tanna!" only to find out that my best friend Chelsea was at our place! It was a wonderful surprise. I was able to spend the next few days with them and they were finally able to meet Josiah!
We adjusting well to all the changes and are really loving South Dakota. We do miss all of our Peoria friends but are hoping we will get some visitors soon! Anyone and all are welcome! We do not have internet yet and I actually am not sure when we will even get it so for now we use Brett's parents interent and other friends so I will try and update as often as I can...hopefully once a week . Love you all and miss you.
Love the pics.! Very sweet boy you have there!
oh - it's good to hear that you are all doing well! josiah is getting so big and is adorable!
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