Just to start off with, despite the title of this post it is not myself or Brett who was the one wetting the bed but rather Josiah...the one who still wears diapers.
If any of you have seen my recent facebook status you will notice that we are having issues in our household of Josiah keeping his clothes on. Every time I turn around for a min. I find him with his pants and his diaper off. Of course then I try and get him redressed only for him to throw a fit that are putting clothes back on (Maybe we should move him to a nudest colony) and to find him only minutes later without his clothes again.
Anyway, as the story goes...
After a long nap on Josiah's part I enter his room to find him standing in his crib looking cute as can be holding his blankie and rhino (his two favorite things).
Getting a bit closer to his crib to get him out of it I then noticed this...
And this...
And then this...
Yep, he once again took of his pants and diaper. This time though he left a mark to prove it. A big wet mark!
So alas, I will ask again...
Does anyone know how to fix this issue? I would just potty train him now if I could be he is nowhere near being ready. (of course as I just finish writing this last line ready post this blog I look over and Josiah's naked...again...I better go...