4 months old and now...
-Weighs 15lbs (50th percentile)
-26inchs long (82nd percentile)
-sleeps without being swaddled (was a bit hard to break him of it)
-still sleeps 10 to 11 hours a night
-rolled over from front to back and from back to front
-talks and giggles all the time
-wears cloth diapers
It's been so fun to see him grow and do new things. He is such a blessing in our lives!
We have had a few more visitors as well. The girls came out and spent 4 days with us. Kaia, Cassie's baby girl who was born the day before Josiah came as well
Last week Brett, Josiah and I took a trip to Minnesota! I had the privledge of taking the pictures for Pat and Trisha Casidy (formerly Elmstrand). We were able to see some friends while we were in the state but unfortunatly we just did not have enough time to see everyone so I'm sorry to all of you who we didn't get to see. Rachel L. so graciously joined me to take the wedding pictures!

Thanks Pat and Trish for letting me take your wedding pictures, I had so much fun! And thank you Rachel for joining me in the picture taking!